sunnuntai 29. huhtikuuta 2012

Pöytälaatikon kätköistä

Kaikki olemme oman elämämme atlaita,
Jonkin helvetillisen olympoksen huipulla,
Aina pyrkimässä kohti korkeuksia.
Jotka eivät enää veny leveämmiksi,
Tutisevat elämisen taakan alla penikkatautisina.
Viihdytä lapsia,
Hoida työ ja rakasta tehokkaasti,
Kuuluvat iskulauseet jostain kaukaa Atlantin takaa.
Koveta nännisi ja tunteesi,
Tunne tekniikkaa ja usko loputtomuuteen,
Niillä murennat itsesi.
Laihuus on kauneutta,
Vaali sitä.
Ylempäsi kiihottuvat nälkiintyvästä minuudestasi,
Kauniista valkoisista luistasi,
Kyvystäsi sopeutua ja alistua.
Nauti siitä,
Kunnes romahdat,
Kun lapaluusi,
Lihaksikas selkäsi
Eivät enää kestä niillä lepäävän näkymättömän jalan painoa.
Vaan kuinka paljon painavatkaan ponnistuksesi,
kysyt, ja nouset taas tuhkan ja tomun seasta,
Kello kuusi aamulla. 


tiistai 17. huhtikuuta 2012

Engaging and excitement

I wonder how excited one can be?

Last Sunday me and my common-law husband got engaged. How sweet. He proposed me and although we've talked about getting engaged long ago, I didn't see it coming till' the very moment he asked me.

It was a Sunday morning or well, it was some time past noon. We still hadn't gotten out of bed so we were there, naked, laying next to each other (Hope this isn't too much information) when he told me he would like to propose something. He was grinning at me for quite awhile and I still couldn't figure out his intentions.

Saying yes wasn't a tough choice! There was no such thing as a reason, excuse or doubt hinting me not to get engaged to this unique wonderfull creature. It felt right and natural, sort of like the next step to take, after living together for over a year.

We made a heavy breakfast, eggs and bacon, and started calling our parents and siblings. Some of them surprised, some of them announced right away they had seen it coming but all very happy for us.

When we updated our relationship status on Facebook, things got wild: I got about 78 likes and 30-something comments from different people. I still feel quilt for not giving my grandpa a call about this fresh major event. He has met Keijo only once due to the long distance but really likes him and wishes all the best for us so I don't really know why I'm so nervous.

About the rings: we still don't have them. I had guided Keijo long ago that if he ever wishes to propose me he should do that without the rings, because I believe in traditions and I'm an optimist in believing that I will only marry once and therefore only have one engagement ring and one wedding ring so I want to choose them myself and make sure I love them. Maybe this sounds stupid and superficial to some but anyways this is our way.

So on Monday we went to choose the rings and made the orders for them already. We went to into several jewellery stores but the ones we fell in love with were found in the first one. We had agreed to give up on cohesion if we find unmatching rings but finally, the design in the two rings verified to be the same. The rings have been designed by a local goldsmith and the name is "Puro" (=Stream). I chose white gold (to fit my future diamond ring) and Keijo got a bit wider version of the same ring with both white gold and yellow gold. The rings should be here in about a week's time and when they get here, I WILL share some photos of them here. =)

Anything else? Well if I forgot anything crucial or any questions rose, please comment. :)

keskiviikko 11. huhtikuuta 2012

Keijo knows best

Long time since the last time I did any writing here but I'm not going to try to cater any excuses.. I've been wondering what do I wish to share on my blog.. So far I've mostly shared some of my own poems and although I still see myself as a "poet" I'll make my blog more "bloggish" from this day on.. I've struggled alot with questions such as 'How intimate could I get?' and 'What if the people I actually know would see this?' But I've decided to write about the everyday and what that means in the context of my life as a student.
About the intimacy.. Well, I guess Keijo and my parents know best or my parents second-best. But probably my poems reveal and conceal in a good-enough ratio in the future as well.. I've read some of my real-life friends' blogs every now and then and I always find myself amazed how amazing they can be while I'm wondering if I would want them to find my blog.. I still don't get why I'm so reserved.. :S